nicco online

Elevate your foodservice business with our new platform for effortless ordering along with insight-driven recipe and inventory tools.

SEAMLESS ordering experience

recipe builder

Effortlessly manage recipes and get valuable insights with food cost analysis.


  • Record your recipes with dietary and allergens information

  • Print formatted recipe cards individually or in bulk

  • Use Nicholas ingredients directly or add custom ones

  • Create sub-recipes to use as ingredients for final recipe

  • Calculate recipe costs and profitability

inventory manager

Stay in control of your daily inventory and get order suggestion when running low.


  • Inventory guides with defined PAR and reorder threshold for products

  • Scan product barcodes to add inventory count

  • Customize sequence of products to match your kitchen

  • Place order from inventory

accounting made simple

Make payments

Smooth and secure payments using your preferred credit card or bank account

easy access to invoices

View all your invoices with the option to export or print them in the desired format

view past payments

Access all your past payments and export them along with the invoices

credit requests

View credit requests against any invoice and track their status


Use Nicco Online on both iOS and Android